An overview of academic activities at UEB
18/10/2011 08:33

On its journey to become an international standardized university, the University of Economics and Business has the mission to provide highly qualified human resources in the area of economics and business administration. The University operates according to the following tenets: training is associated with scientific research; training is oriented to the standard of academic verification; training is associated with international cooperation; training is associated with quality; training is associated with high practicability and focus on postgraduate education, international high-ranking and highly qualified education.

Studying at VNU - University of Economics and Business, students will be offered knowledge and comprehensive skills, including theory and practice, specialized knowledge and general social knowledge. If they take up the opportunities offered, the students will be fully confident to enter a competitive working environment, own a strategic vision and view, know how to receive and grasp the most modern achievements of the intellectual economy, and have the ability for planning, analysis, business administration and policy consultancy

The university respects the learners’ effectiveness and benefit (strengths and values?), developing an advantageous studying environment, which helps the students to adjust to life’s challenges and satisfies the needs of the domestic and foreign labor market. Graduate students will have opportunity to study at prestigious universities both in the region and worldwide.

The University of Economics and Business has the advantage of organizing further training programs that can help shorten the course duration and the cost for learners. During the period of 4-5 years studying at the university, learners have the opportunity to choose another major for a second bachelor degree. The University considers postgraduate education as its priority goal, including domestic and international joint programs.


1. In-house Training Programs

1.1. Undergraduate

- International Economics and Business (Full-time Bachelor’s Degree)

- Business Administration (Full-time Bachelor’s Degree of international standard)

- Finance - Banking 
- Development Economics
- Political Economics
- Accounting

Studying at UEB, students have opportunities to achieve a second bachelor’s degree. An example of this is English Interpretation provided by the University of Languages and International Studies. Students who study Political Economics or Development Economics can access Finance-Banking or Accounting for a second bachelor degree.

Students of the University of Languages and International Studies can choose one of the following majors - International Economics, Business Administration, or Finance - Banking for a second degree which is associated with UEB.

1.2. Postgraduate
1.2.1. Master’s Degree:
- International Economics and Business
- Business Administration
- Finance - Banking
- Political Economics
- Economic Management.
1.2.2. Doctoral Degree:
- International Economics and Business
- Business Administration
- Political Economics

2. International Joint Training Programs

2.1. Taught in English by Accredited Foreign Partners

- Bachelor of Business Administration (Troy University, United States)

- Bachelor of Economics/Finance 2+2 (Massey University, New Zealand)

- Bachelor of Economics and International Business 2+2 (Benedictine University, United States)

- Master of Business Administration (Troy University, United States)

- Master of Business Administration (North Central University, United States)

- Master of Economic Evaluation and International Project Management (Paris XII Val de Marne University, France)

- Doctorate of Economics, linked to Project 322 (Massey University, New Zealand) 

2.2. Bilingual Programs Taught in conjunction with Accredited Foreign Partners:

- Master of Business Administration (Benedictine University, United States)

- Master of Public Management (University of Uppsala, Sweden).

VNU - University of Economics and Business